New Minnesota marijuana Business license’s
Cannabis Business License
License are limited and there are restriction on holding multiple license
Cannabis Microbusiness License
- A micro business can have 1 retail store and grow on site.
- These license are allowed 5000 Square feet interior canopy, OR 1/2 Acre outside
- The next higher license allows 3 times as many retails and square footage of canopy, but fees are higher.
- Can sell retail up to 2 ounces to individual customers 21 and older
-Must only purchase from MN license producer
- Fee’s Paid to state
$500 application fee
NO license fee
$2,000 yearly renewal fee
Cannabis Mezzobusiness License
- A Mezzobusiness license allow for 3 retail stores.
- Allows for 15,000 square feet of interior canopy or 1 acres outside
-Can sell retail up to 2 ounces to individual customers 21 and older
- Fees paid to state
$5,000 Application fee
$5,000 License fee
$10,000 Yearly Renewal fee
Cannabis Bulk Cultivator License
-Can grow no more than 30,000 square foot canopy
-Can also hold cannabis manufacturing license and event organizer license.
-Fee’s paid to the state
$10,000 Nonrefundable application fee
$20,000 License fee
$30,000 yearly Renewal fee
Cannabis Retailer License
-Can sell retail up to 2 ounces to individual customers 21 and older
-This license allow for 5 retail locations, NO growing.
-Fees paid to the state
$2,500 Nonrefundable application fee
$2,500 License fee
$5,000 yearly renewal fee
Less common license the state offers we can also help with
Cannabis Manufacturer licensed
-Can purchase cannabis and related products.
-Can Manufacture cannabis products
-Can sell only to other cannabis businesses
Cannabis Wholesaler License
-Can purchase and sell cannabis and related products to all license producers and retailers
-Can also hold a transport license, delivery service licenses, and event organizer license.
Cannabis Transporter license
-Transporting cannabis requires a special license and is required between producers, testers and retailers.
Cannabis Testing Facility License
-All producers will have to pay for testing of all their product and a special license is required for those facilities.
Cannabis Event Organizer license
-Can organize temporary cannabis events that last no more than 4 days that include multiple cannabis vendors
Cannabis delivery license
-Can purchase cannabis only from retailers, microbusiness’s and mezzobusiness’s for transport and deliver to customers.